German auto repair service in Ann Arbor MI

After Hours Vehicle Drop Off

If you would like to leave your vehicle outside of our regular business hours we provide a form you can submit.

How To Drop-Off Your Vehicle

  1. Complete and submit the Drop-off Form (below);
  2. Place your vehicle keys in the Key Drop slot (located left of the office door);
  3. We will contact you in the morning;
  4. Please make sure you leave the keys...


An authorized dollar amount must be specified before we can perform any work on your vehicle.

After Hours Vehicle Pick-up

Please contact us to make arrangements for after hours pick-up of your vehicle. You will need to make arrangements in advance during our open business hours.

Owner Information
We need your full name and address for invoicing
Best phone number to reach you during the day.
Please enter any special instructions for phoning in 'Phone special instructions' below
Can we text message you?
Vehicle Information
Year, make, & model of your vehicle
Select services required. Additional services can be entered in the 'Service Instructions' field below.
Multiple services can be selected. Enter other services or details in 'Service instructions' field below.

What would you like done to your vehicle? Any special instructions or comments about problems, etc.?

Time you would like to pickup your vehicle? We close at 5:30pm.
Invoice amount allowed before contacting you for authorization.
Terms of Service
By submitting this form I hereby authorize the above requested repair work to be done along with the necessary materials. Employees may operate this vehicle on streets & highways for the purpose of testing or delivery. Stadium Auto Service, or the employees, are not responsible for vehicle or content damage or delays in case of causes beyond their control. An express mechanic's lien is hereby acknowledged on above vehicle to secure the amounts of repairs thereto.

NOTE: Please agree to our Terms of Service agreement. You must agree to our terms before the form will be submitted and we will work on your vehicle. Thank you.